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Volunteer Spotlight - Kate Gerasimova

09/19/2020 12:27 PM | Rosemary Okoiti

1. What three words describe you and why?

Empathetic: I always make a good effort to make sure I’m considering the other person and the other side of the story. This is one of the reasons I love human centered design so much as well. 

Ambitious and driven: If I set my mind on something, it would be extremely hard to get me off that road. I have a high inspiration for myself which comes with higher standards. Knowing this about myself helps me realize when to let things go and be more agile. 

Versatile: I am curious about a lot of things and have a wide range of interests, psychology, design innovation, learning, art, business, tennis, biking, and list continuous. I once was going to major in math and law. 

2. What is/was your volunteer role?

In December 2018 I went to Action Learning training with Mies de Koning, at the time, he was VP of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Mies encouraged me to attend events at the chapter and meet more people there. So I started to attend events, then volunteered to organize them. In 2019, I met Gabrielle Baymethe current VP of SIGs then I volunteered as the Assistant Vice President of SIGs. Together we organized the first Learning Lab in August 2019, and have been running them since then. Inspired by our popular Learning Labs, we created a separate SIG group, the Learning Innovation Special Interest Group to explore the latest and greatest in learning innovation. More to come! 

3. What do you/did you love about volunteering for ATD NYC? How has the experience changed you?

love meeting new people and the events the ATD NYC chapter has to offer. There is always something to learn, whether at the event or being part of this team of volunteers. We always look for ways to be more effective. This experience certainly taught me more about myself and the work that I so much love. 

4. What career development opportunities are you exploring in the next one year?

There is never a dull moment with running and planning Learning Labs. I am looking forward to organizing other events in the Learning Innovation SIG with Gabrielle and seeing what new learning innovations we can bring in the upcoming year.

5. What advice would you give to a Chapter member who is considering volunteering today? 

There are so many opportunities to be connected, find what clicks for you, attend a few events, connect with members 1-1 and see if you'd like to get more involved by volunteering. Opportunities are endless. The key is the right attitude! 

6. What is the best way to get in touch with you and/or your social media links, website, email address? or 

ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


ATD NYC Chapter

105 W 86th Street #347

New York, NY  10024-3444
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