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Volunteer Spotlight - Jennifer Jacovsky

10/11/2021 5:31 PM | Rosemary Okoiti

1. What three words describe you and why?

Curious: I am guaranteed to always have questions as I want to know the why and how about most things...I always want to see backstage and in the orchestra pit just as much as looking at what is happening on the stage.

Adventurous: probably ties into curious...I like to explore in many ways...traveling, learning new things, trying new approaches, going against the grain, not always following the established protocols, making new ones up

Silly: I try to find humor and lighten the mood when needed and possible. I find it puts people at ease and helps build stronger communications and connections. 

2. What is/was your volunteer role?

VP of Technology and previously AVP of SIGs

3. What do you/did you love about volunteering for ATD NYC? How has the experience changed you?

The people are super nice, motivated and realistic about the fact that our roles are volunteer roles. As such, they are always willing to step in and support if "real life" gets in the way. Also, there is lots of opportunity to try new things like build out the Learn Amp, our learning management and experience platform. This experience has also helped me feel more comfortable delegating by getting the support of AVPs and other fellow board members. 

4. What career development opportunities are you exploring in the next one year?

I want to continue to build on my leadership skills and, in particular, let go and trust more that others will have accountability (a challenge for a Type A person!) . Additionally, building out my skillset as a leader who understands that I don't have to know/do everything to be a good leader. 

 5. What advice would you give to a Chapter member who is considering volunteering today? 

Do it. Having enough time might be a concern but ask questions and ALWAYS communicate. If you are time challenged don't just disappear let people know. You can start small by volunteering for a one off task or as an AVP....volunteering does not have to be all time is a great way to build a supportive network of like-minded individuals and learn from one another.

6. What is the best way to get in touch with you and/or your social media links, website, email address?



ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


ATD NYC Chapter

240 E 76th St, Suite 17N

New York, NY  10021-2958
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