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Regional Webinar Series: Divergent Minds, Inspired Designs

  • 02/28/2024
  • 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
  • Zoom
  • 63


  • Free to members of ATD NYC in good standing.
  • Non-member of ATD NYC.

    If you join us as member within the next two weeks, you can have this event fee credited to your ATD NYC membership.

    Email to take advantage of this offer.

Registration is closed

ATD NYC is proud to participate in the ATD Mid-Atlantic Regional Webinar Series. This collaboration of 9 ATD chapters (including Appalachia, Central PA, Greater Philadelphia, Long Island, Maryland, Mid-NJ, Northern NJ, New York City and Pittsburgh) brings together the very best speakers from our networks to provide world class presenters and content. We look forward to sharing these webinars with you for the rest of 2024!

Divergent Minds, Inspired Design

Wednesday, February 28th | 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. ET | Zoom

About This Event

Neurodivergent learners must navigate a world established for those with neurotypical cognitive processing. This results in learners who have tremendous potential but feel as though they are inadequate due to their differences. However, research provides a strong body of evidence indicating that neurodivergent learners have remarkable abilities and can often provide innovations and insights that surpass those of their neurotypical counterparts. This workshop offers a strengths-based approach to designing educational experiences for neurodivergent learners.


  • Members – Member Benefit
  • Non Members – $20.00

ATD NYC chapter has been pre-approved by the ATD Certification Institute to offer educational programs that can be used towards initial eligibility and recertification of the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) and Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD) credentials. This event qualifies for a maximum of 1 point. 

    About Our Presenters

    Megan Kohler | Award Winning Learning Designer & Lecturer, Penn State University

    Megan Kohler is an Assistant Teaching Professor and learning designer at the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute at Penn State University. She has led a number of high-profile initiatives for the university including the Art 10 iTunes U course, the Epidemics: Infectious Disease Dynamics Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and the Penn State Digital Badging Project. In 2021, she was awarded the G. Montgomery and Marion Mitchell Innovative Teaching Award by The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences at Penn State University.

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    By attending this online event, you consent to be recorded. Your entry constitutes your consent to such recording for any purpose in connection with the event. You understand that this recording is done in reliance on the consent given by you by entering this event. If you do not agree to the foregoing, please do not activate your web camera.

    Webinar Registration

    • A webinar link will be included in your registration confirmation e-mail

    Add Meeting to Calendar

    • After you register, don't forget to use the "add to my calendar" feature on the top righthand side of the webpage to hold your time (example image below) 

    Event Contact

    • For any questions about this event, please e-mail 

      ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

      Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


      ATD NYC Chapter

      240 E 76th St, Suite 17N

      New York, NY  10021-2958
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