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Chapter Event: Developing Leaders Using Popular Culture

  • 06/01/2022
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom
  • 71


  • Free to members of ATD NYC in good standing.
  • Non-member of ATD NYC.

Registration is closed

Leadership development continues to be one of the largest expenses among organizations.

Leadership trainers and coaches are often looking for innovative ways in which to discuss leadership with their clients and trainees. The book series “Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture” provides a unique way for coaches, trainers, and leaders to discuss and apply leadership theory. The purpose of the series is to make leadership theories clearer to readers so that they are better able to put them into practice. 

Leadership theories are important to explore because they have been tested through academic research and are likely to apply to a variety of different contexts. Once someone is aware of theories, examples from popular culture can improve understanding of crucial concepts. Because exposure to popular culture influences peoples’ behaviors, the concrete examples presented in this series can then help leaders to reflect on and improve their own approaches. 

Our panelists will discuss :

  • Leadership examples from Harry Potter, Star Wars, LOTR, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Techniques such as book clubs, training assignments, reflective activities for leadership development programs infused with pop culture elements
  • Examples from the book series, Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture

A Manager's Guide to Using the Force: Leadership Lessons from a Galaxy Far Far Away (Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture) by [Michael J. Urick]Leadership Insights for Wizards and Witches (Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture) by [Aditya Simha]Leadership in Middle-Earth: Theories and Applications for Organizations (Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture) by [Michael J. Urick] Leaders Assemble! Leadership in the MCU (Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture) by [Gordon B. Schmidt, Sy Islam]

This event will primarily cover the section in ATD's "Talent Development Capability Model" on developing professional capabilities within organizations. 

About Our Speakers

Dr. Sy Islam, PhD, is a co-founder and Vice President of Consulting withTalent Metrics Dr. Islam has over 15 years of experience providing data analytic, training, and organizational development support to organizations in a variety of workplace settings.Dr. Islam’s consulting work was recognized by the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology when he won the Scientist-Practitioner Presidential Recognition Award for his focus on science driven practices in training and talent development. Through Talent Metrics he has consulted with fortune 100 companies like Prudential and teams like the Florida Panthers. Dr Islam has also served in leadership roles with ATD NYC and ATD Long Island. His upcoming book is entitled “Leaders Assemble! Leadership Lessons from the Marvel Cinematic Universe” and will be published by Emerald Publishing on June 7th, 2022.

Gordon B. Schmidt, PhD, is a Professor of Management at the Universityof Louisiana Monroe. He researches the Future of Work, leadership and/or motivation in varied contexts including lean production and Corporate Social Responsibility and consults with organizations on these topics.

Aditya Simha, PhD, is an Associate Professor ofManagement at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater.His research is primarily in business ethics (e.g. ethical leadership, ethical climates, and unethical behavior), healthcare ethics (e.g. moral distress, mental health, and COVID anxiety), organizational behavior (e.g. burnout, stress, and personality), and popular culture (e.g. Business Ethics and Comics). He is an Associate Editor for the journal, Business Ethics, the Environment, and Responsibility. He also serves on the editorial boards of Management Decision and the Journal of Business Ethics Education.


  • Members - Member Benefit
  • Non-Members - $20

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See you there!

ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


ATD NYC Chapter

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