Note: Member registration is open. Non-member registration opens on August 14th.
In this new world of work, especially in the current environment when compensation incentives are not feasible, what can you be doing to future-proof your business and attract and retain the best talent?
Turnover costs U.S. businesses $1 Trillion, annually.
Companies spend $141 billion a year on career development (double that of 2016).
Professional Development and Career Growth are top of mind for employees leaving jobs; but then what about that $141 billion companies are spending on career development?
It's not that career development initiatives don't exist, it's simply that there is a huge disconnect between the programs offered and what the top-talent wants and needs.
Let's redefine and modernize career development for this new world of work where constant learning and evolving are critical to success.
Event Description:
In this interactive virtual event, we will learn how we can help our organizations, teams, and clients provide career growth in a manner in-touch with employee strengths, preferences, and future trends.
We will discuss the fall of the proverbial corporate ladder and the rise of the corporate matrix.
We will understand what we can do to create employee-centric and employee driven career paths and career development plans.
About our facilitator:
Courtney Brand is Founder and CEO of thelighthouse, a career growth platform built specifically for the future of work. Courtney, a former management consultant, experienced career growth in leaps and bounds when she worked to align her career path with her own strengths and interests as well as the job trends at the time; this led to her launching thelighthouse, which helps companies empower their employees with personalized career growth at scale. She now speaks at organizations around the world teaching leaders the impact and methods of providing individualized career growth.
Event Contact
Adil Ibrahim, Vice President, Programs – adil.ibrahim@atdnyc.org