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Coaching SIG: Using Emotional Intelligence as a Rudder to Move Us to the "New Normal"

  • 10/27/2020
  • 5:45 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom
  • 0


Registration is closed

Registration is now open to members.  Non-members will be able to register beginning Monday, October 12, 2020.


Coaching SIG: Using Emotional Intelligence as a Rudder to Move Us to the "New Normal"

COVID-19 has brought all major systems to a global standstill.  The stillness of “sheltering in place” with the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic and the national social unrest has prompted renewed introspection and contemplation regarding what’s important. 

Our motivational drivers support what we are naturally drawn to and gives us markers for actualizing our strengths and organizing our lives to reflect who we want to be in the world.  The term “new normal” is often being used now to describe this period of transition.  Dr. Velma Cobb will offer coaches an:

  • interactive “discovery” experience that can be used with clients for reflecting on existing patterns of being and contemplating what new roles, stances, and opportunities are now possible. 
  • invitation to (re)discover the motivational drivers that will support moving beyond “business as usual”, necessary to innovate for what’s needed in these shifting times.
  • opportunity to use The Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (EI) framework to address these internal and external ways of being and relating through its four domains (self-awareness, self-management; social awareness; relationship management) and12 competencies.


Velma L. Cobb, Ed.D., CPCC, ACC

Director of the Lander Center for Educational Research, Touro College Graduate School of Education in New York;

Principal and Founder, V. L. Cobb Leadership Group 

Dr. Cobb serves as a Meta-Coach with the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification Program (EICC).  As Principal and Founder of the V. L. Cobb Leadership Group, Velma is a certified leadership coach; trained CARE (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Educators) facilitator; licensed Bigger Game© trainer; Leadership Circle Profile (LCP)© and LCP Culture Survey© 360 assessment practitioner; and Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) and the Intercultural Conflict Styles (ICS) Inventory.  Dr. Cobb served as a Fellow in the Bill George True North Leadership Program.


5:45-6:00 pm Virtual Networking
6:00-7:30 pm Main Event


ATD NYC Members:  $0
Non-Members:          $15


Virtual: session start time

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations submitted more than 48 hours prior can be refunded. Email to cancel and request a refund. 


Will be sent upon registration. 


Diane Dean, Co-Lead, Coaching SIG |
Kathy LaMarr-Bines, Co-Lead, Coaching SIG | 

ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


ATD NYC Chapter

240 E 76th St, Suite 17N

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