NOTE: Member registration is currently open. Non-member registration opens on May 27th.
Program Description:
Attention job-searchers, business developers and career-advancers: do you have a 30 second pitch that instantly communicates your value? A great pitch can be instrumental in creating the career or business opportunities you're seeking. In this program, you’ll get to develop or evolve your personal pitch to make it resonate for the networking situations in which you find yourself.
You’ll then have an opportunity to try out your pitch on your ATD peers in a fast paced "speed dating" approach to pitch practice; you’ll gain feedback on your pitch while networking with your colleagues. Use this event to ramp up for the July 18th ATD /SHRM/ODNNY networking event.
- 5:30 - 6PM - Networking
- 6 - 7:30 - Program
- 7:30 - 8PM - Networking
Register by 12pm on Monday June 10th.
LOCATION: WeWork Penn Station: 315 W 36th St, New York 10018
Bio - Barbara Phillips
As a professional certified executive and life coach, Barbara focuses on career transitions (what’s next, job search strategy, branding, networking, interviewing, etc.). She also coaches recently outplaced executives in mid-life and/or on the cusp of retirement to help them plan for their “Third Act” (Encore Career and retirement transition). Her clients span Fortune 500 companies, non-profits and private clients.
At American Express and Pfizer, Barbara specialized in company-wide talent management, leadership development, competency frameworks and executive succession planning. She designed and implemented strategies for identifying and developing high potential leaders to build bench strength for critical organization roles. Barbara also designed and launched executive mentoring programs, candidate slating and career/development roundtables.
Barbara delivered end-to-end HR and OD services to multiple businesses in client-facing roles to develop individual and organization capability: performance management, change management, team effectiveness, talent and leadership development, career and succession planning, feedback and coaching, mentoring, organization effectiveness, diversity & inclusion, employee engagement and compensation.
She earned a B.A. in Biology from Williams College, and an M.A. in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University. She is certified as a Professional Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Barbara is currently Co-Chair of the ATDNYC Career Development Special Interest Group. She has also served as Co-Chair of the ATDNYC Coaching SIG for 2 years, Board member of the NY OD Network (two years as President), Chair of the Conference Board’s Council of Talent Management Executives and Board Member of her NYC Co-op (two years as President).
Personal interests include: acting and improvisation, public speaking, photography, “off-the-beaten track” travel, bicycling, yoga, and personal growth and development.

Bio - Robert Hellmann
Robert Hellmann of provides career services to individuals and organizations. He’s a certified GetFive Senior Career and Executive Coach as well as a LinkedIn-Certified Professional Recruiter.
Rob has authored the books Advanced LinkedIn: For Your Job Search, Business and Career and PEAK Presentations. He has delivered hundreds of seminars on Presentation and “Pitch” Skills, LinkedIn, Recruiting, Team-building, Career Advancement and the A-to-Z Job Search to diverse organizations including startups, Fortune 500 companies, and educational institutions such as Harvard Business School and Columbia University. In his private coaching practice, Rob has helped countless individuals to achieve career and presentation success.
Rob's background includes 20 years of experience in Organizational Development, Finance and Marketing roles at American Express, JP Morgan Chase, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and New York University (as an adjunct professor).
Rob’s career-related insights are featured in his career column, and have also appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, the Chicago Tribune,, NBC News, ABC News and more.
Rob has served on the board of the Association for Talent Development’s NY chapter in 2015, and has co-led the Career Development SIG since 2016. He has a BS in Economics/Math from Binghamton University and an MBA from Fordham University.
Rob helps individuals define and reach their career goals and organizations to improve their effectiveness. He can be reached at

Barbara Phillips and Robert Hellmann (Co-Chairs of Career Development SIG)