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Performance Support SIG: Microlearning Changes Everything --- If We Do It Right

  • 02/21/2019
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Alvarez and Marsal, 8th floor Board Room, 600 Madison Avenue (between 57th & 58th), AND Virtual


  • Members of ATD NYC in good standing
  • Choose this if you are a member in good standing and plan to attend virtually.
  • Non-members of ATD NYC. Event fee can be applied to membership within two weeks of this event. Email for more information.
  • Non-members of ATD NYC. Event fee can be applied to membership within two weeks of this event. Email for more information.

Registration is closed

NOTE: In-person registration is closed. Members and non-members can still register for the virtual option. 

Program Description:

Microlearning is a rapidly growing trend in the L&D/TD world, with scores of recent articles, presentations, and products touting its benefits. Microlearning's advantage is that it can deliver smaller content assets to workers in the workplace, while they are on the job. That makes it far more flexible than traditional, one-time, up-front courses and more appropriate for today's more volatile work environments.

But shifting our learning efforts, from the confines of a course to the more dynamic workplace setting, affords us many more options and opportunities. It forces us to redefine what outcomes we want, what content we provide, and where and when workers will use it.

If we stick to our traditional course design principles, our Microlearning will have little impact. If we are willing to adapt to the new, just-in-time venue, our Microlearning will justify--and far exceed--its hype.

So how do we do Microlearning right?

In this session, Hal Christensen, co-chair of the Performance Support SIG, and longtime learning innovator, will model a simple, but effective, Microlearning solution to answer that question and provide guidance and resources to help you:  

  • Avoid the key mistakes Microlearning designers make.
  • Embrace the three mindset changes inherent in Microlearning that will revolutionize how you think about training and learning.
  • Identify and map out the workflow for a job in order to determine which Microlearning content and assets workers need.
  • Design a simple, replicable Microlearning solution. 

Join us on February 21st and witness the true potential of Microlearning.

We are offering both in-person and virtual options. 

In-person: Our in-person session can accommodate 30 people. Because of building security requirements, registration will end 2 days prior to the event. 

Virtual: Our simultaneous virtual session can accommodate up to 99 people and registration will remain open until the event begins. 

About Hal Christensen

Hal ChristensenHal Christensen, President of QuickCompetence, provides strategic guidance and solutions to organizations that seek to accelerate their employees' Time to Competence and to sustain that competence over time. For over 30 years, Hal has been providing performance improvement solutions to dozens of organizations in the New York Metropolitan area. He has been a pioneer and longtime advocate for the innovative use of both eLearning and Performance Support technologies. His Performance Support solutions have won several awards, and he has frequently been asked to share his Performance Support, eLearning, and instructional design knowledge and experience at national professional conferences. Hal co-chairs the ATD NYC Special Interest Group on Performance Support.


5:30pm -- Meet & greet (in-person only)
6:00pm -- Demo, discussion, & walk thru exercise (virtual & in-person)
7:30pm -- Session ends 

Costs: $0 for members, $15 for non-members

Registration Deadline and Requirements: Register by 12pm on Wednesday, 2/20 to attend in person since we must have the list of registrants to send to building security before 5pm that day. 

SIG Co-Chairs:
Hal Christensen,
Malu Schloss,

ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


ATD NYC Chapter

240 E 76th St, Suite 17N

New York, NY  10021-2958
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