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[POSTPONED] People Science SIG: Reference Insight Can Help You Better Select and Develop Your Employees

  • 11/15/2018
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • 151 East 25th Street, 7th Floor - Room 763, New York, NY 10010
  • 12


  • Member of ATD NYC Chapter in good standing
  • Non-member of ATD NYC. You can have this webinar fee credited to your ATD NYC membership if you join within the next two weeks. Email to take advantage of this offer.

Registration is closed

Apologies - Tonight's Event (11/15) is Being postponed due to the weather.  Stay Tuned!

Reference Insight Can Help You Better Select and Develop Your Employees

Reference checks are conducted by many organizations, but is your organization getting the most value out of this part of the hiring process?  Attend the next People Science SIG event to learn about the latest in state of the art pre-hire competency measurement with Cynthia A. Hedricks and Disha Rupayana of SkillSurvey! 

They'll be reviewing a case study of analyses of both competency ratings and narrative comments provided by employment references for those applying for IT positions, from entry-level jobs to the executive leadership level.  In the study, they highlight the ability of text analysis of narrative comments to identify both strengths and developmental feedback of candidates.  They will also be debunking some myths around the process of reference checking, and share some best practices that you can use to get the most value out of information that is provided by those who have worked in the past with your job candidate or current employee.


Cynthia A. Hedricks

Dr. Cynthia A. Hedricks conducts studies and publishes behavioral science research. She just celebrated her 11 th year as Chief Analytics Officer at SkillSurvey, where she has been assessing the role of a job candidate’s past work behavior, as observed by others, on critical outcomes of interest to organizations, such as impact on customer or patient experience, quality of hire, retention, and diversity initiatives. Most recently, she has also been using others’ feedback to explore the career readiness of college students. Today she will co-present the results of themes that have emerged from text analytic research on narrative comments provided by job references - focusing on feedback provided for candidates applying for a variety of roles in the area of Information Technology. Before joining the corporate world, Cynthia was a university professor, teaching courses on research methods, statistics, and the nature of work and leisure. She completed a PhD in Biopsychology at The University of Chicago. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Human Resource Management, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Disha Rupayana

Dr. Disha D. Rupayana is the Director of Analytics at SkillSurvey. She is an expert in the area of job applicant selection, survey creation, and analytics. She has presented her work at national and regional conferences focused on research and practice in Industrial/Organizational Psychology as well as Human Resources. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and popular press such as the Harvard Business Review. She received her Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Kansas State University.


5.30pm  Doors Open
6.00pm  Presentation by SkillSurvey
6.45pm  Q&A
7.00pm  Messages from People Science SIG 
7:30pm  Adjourn

Costs: $0 for ATDNYC Members; $15 for Visitors

Registration Deadline and Requirements Register before 11/12/2018 


Chair: Syeed Islam (

Co-Chair: Lyndon Llanes (

Location:151 East 25th Street, 7th Floor - Room 763, New York, NY 10010

ATD New York City chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the local chapter of the Association for Talent Development - the leading association of workplace learning and performance professionals in the world.

Chapter Incentive Program (ChIP) code for store purchases: CH1026


ATD NYC Chapter

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